martedì 16 febbraio 2010

E4X - Palestine 2010

The Tifariti gang, leaded by EA5RM will be on air from Palestine. Operations will start from May 28th till June 6th. The web page is:


T32 - Eastern Kiribati

SM6CAS, G3KHZ, G4EDG and K9AJ will operate from 4 different iota reference of Eastern Kiribati. They will start from March 17th till April 20th, stopping by each Iota 4 days. Web page:


ZS8M - Marion Island

At the end of April Pierre ZS1HF will operate from Marion Island. He will stay one year and radio activity will take place during his spare time. Antennas will be dipoles due to the high winds and birds. Qsl via ZS1X.


ZL8X - Kermadec Island

This great news comes from facebook. A group of German hams will activate the island of Kermadec from november 19th till december 5th of this year.
For more news refer to the official website:


mercoledì 27 gennaio 2010

3C0 - Annobon Isl.

In April of this year a dxpedition to Annobon Isl (OC-039)will take place. The team will be composed by Elmo, EA5BYP and Javier, EA5KM.


mercoledì 20 gennaio 2010

T32BJ - Eastern Kiribati On Air

Don G3BJ is already active from today, January 20th, untill 26th from the pacific island of Eastern Kiribati. Focus on low bands.
Qsl via : G3BJ


domenica 3 gennaio 2010

New year - new homebrew

I want to start the first post of this year with some homebreweing stuff done recently.
The first is an active receiving loop that would be used for the low bands and comes from the project of I7SWX Giancarlo. It was named by Giancarlo as the "Hula-Hoop" for the usage of a real hoola-hoop :-). The project has been finished a couple of days ago and it is still under test and possible modification.
The second project is nothing special but only an improvement on the grounding of my vertical antenna for the low bands. I have done a base plate where 25 radials were attached instead of the previously 6.
To see some pictures of both projects look my site:
If you have any question or better any suggestion, contact me.

By the way I wish you all happy new year.... sorry: HNY
